Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ruth Chris

hello.....last night Jackson had his first trip to Ruth Chris and was very good.....thanks to Christina for watching him through the whole dinner!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

He is still here.

Jackson is getting bigger everyday. I have to be "honest" as a parent can be, he is by far the cutest baby, EVER. The boy and I are getting along wonderfully during our bonding time during the week. Thanks to Donna and Aunt Shirley, I can get some sleep and do some school work. We are blessed to have a wonderful support system. It is cool to see him achieve milestones in front of our eyes. Just the other day, he grabbed his pacifier from his mouth and put it back in. He rolled to one side on his own, Fran was excited. We are still trying to figure out how he got to the end of the crib backwards with no clothes OR a diaper on. I am not sure if that is a milestone, if not, it should be. It probably comes from those damn Amish books!